1. Fork it 🍴
Head over to TrustIn Github Repository and fork the repository to your Github account
2. Clone it 👥
Clone the forked repository to your local machine
3. Set it up ⬆️
Head over to the TrustInUI/EnterpriseUI folder and run npm i --force --legacy-peer-deps
4. Run it 🏁
Once the installation is complete, run npm start
5. Start Developement 💥
Translate Service has already been integrated and i18n files are generated. For any new content on the portal, create a name value pair in the below format :
"annualreport.natureofactionbyemp": "Nature of action taken by the employer"
After creating the name value pair, replace the content with translate pipe and the name value attribute as shown below:
<label class="mgt10" for="reportDate">{{'annualreport.natureofactionbyemp' | translate}} </label>
You can notice the change in language on the webpage as soon as you select the language using the language switcher in login page.